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Dr Sung Ju Min

SpecialtyPaediatric Medicine
Clinical Interests

Neonatal, development and behavioural paediatrics.

LanguagesEnglish, Korean

Dr Sung Ju Min is a specialist Paediatrician with interests in neonatal, development and behavioural paediatrics. Dr Min has enjoyed a wide variety of paediatric experience working as a general paediatrician in South Korea and Australia for more than 10 years.

Dr Min obtained her undergraduate degree in South Korea and paediatric training through a tertiary hospital in Korea and was working as a general paediatrician before moving to Australia where she successfully obtained her Paediatric Fellowship through the Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

Dr Min enjoys partnering with families and health professionals to provide thorough and comprehensive care to patients. She strongly values what children and carers tell her during the consults and enjoys the interactions they have. She believes communication is central to ensure families have the best understanding of their child.

Dr Min will be consulting Monday to Friday from Mater Private Hospital Mackay seeing all young people from birth to 16 years of age.

Dr Min is fluent in English and Korean. When not working, she enjoys family time with her ‘hand full’ three kids and loves to play tennis as a family sport—trying her best not to fall behind becoming a ‘substitute’ when it comes to doubles.

Practice location
Mater Medical Suites Mackay 76 Willetts RoadNorth Mackay4740 QLD Get Directions