Our suppliers and contractors

Mater works with an extensive range of contractors and suppliers of goods, services and equipment. Alongside our growing network of procurement partnerships — where transparency, sustainability and social responsibility are key — Mater delivers on its vision of providing access to world-class health services and information.

We expect our suppliers and contractors who conduct business with Mater to share our Values and to comply with Mater’s Supplier Code of Conduct.

About Mater

Mater is Queensland’s largest not-for-profit hospital network with 11 hospitals, a nationally accredited education provider and world-class medical research institute.

Our vision for Mater’s future is a logical extension of our Mission; it is devised around the changing needs of our community and delivered through the continued commitment of our people.

As a Ministry of Mercy Partners, Mater collaborates to improve the health of the community.

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Our commitment to sustainability

Mater is committed to embedding ethical and sustainably responsible practices in every aspect of its business and supply chain. Our commitment extends to our suppliers and contractors as a shared and united objective. This involves:

  • Ensuring procurement supports diversity in the supply market by generating opportunities for employers such as small and regional businesses, social enterprises and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander businesses.
  • Considering suppliers’ and contractors’ corporate social responsibility policies and practice and how risks are being addressed and mitigated.
  • Committing to procurement practices that are transparent, fair, and responsible and upholding high standards of integrity and honesty that align with Mater values.
  • Ensuring all our suppliers align with Mater’s Supplier Code of Conduct.

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Mitigating modern slavery

As part of our mission to protect the vulnerable, Mater is committed to meeting social responsibility goals and expects the highest ethical practices and professional standards from its people as well as its procurement network.

This starts with suppliers and contractors investigating, identifying and mitigating modern slavery risks across their operations and supply chain, to provide Mater with a high level of confidence that they are aligned on our Values. Download and read a copy of Mater’s annual Modern Slavery Statement.

We encourage Mater’s suppliers and contractors to educate their organisations on how to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), understand modern slavery risks, develop a relevant risk management program and implement actions.

Mater works closely and collaboratively with the Australian Catholic Anti-Slavery Taskforce, Archdiocese Sydney and as a member of the Australian Catholic Antislavery Network (ACAN) to support and assist suppliers and contractors in complying with the Modern Slavery Act (Cth) 2018.

Mater encourages suppliers and contractors to visit the ACAN e-learning site to learn more and the GRC Solutions online store to purchase relevant training resources and information to implement in your business. You can contact Mater’s Modern Slavery Liaison Officer at procurement@mater.org.au for further information and guidance.

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Doing business with Mater

Whether you are a current Mater supplier or contractor, or you are thinking of working with Mater, our suite of standard terms and conditions, requirements and expectations governs the way we work together to ensure our partnership thrives.

Contract terms and conditions
Our expectations
Supplier and contractor information
Invoicing requirements

Partner with Mater Foundation

Mater’s vision is to empower people to live better lives through improved health and wellbeing. We are committed to working with community-focused businesses and their people to build meaningful and sustainable partnerships. You can extend your relationship with Mater to improve patient outcomes by partnering with Mater Foundation.


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